Day: May 19, 2014

Lilies of the Valley

Well, I was going to do a little critical assessment of some David Byrne solo albums, but then I had a better idea. I’ll come back to talking about those albums in the future, but right now I want to promote David Byrne’s very own blog. Didn’t know that David Byrne has a blog? Yes, Byrne is an embracer of modern things. He has become an active blog-poster and Twitterpater with a lot on his mind. He has many interesting things to say about the interwebs and this webby culture of ours (sample post title: Google Is Evil.) He also has guest writers producing equally fascinating and opinionated think pieces. Then there’s the radio. Lots of people’s blogs offer a radio option, usually as a means of adding an extra level of self-promotion. Byrne, being the class act that he is, offers an unusually impeccable selection. At this moment he’s spinning a playlist, selected by none other than Fatboy Slim, of eclectic Beatles covers. So once again, high praises to Byrne for managing to retain high levels of coolness and being a  thoroughly modern millie.