Day: November 5, 2009

Brain Drain


Today is a big day. It’s my one-year anniversary here in the blogoshpere. I’ve almost made it to 50,000 hits – and I know they can’t all be members of my family. I was hoping to hit the big five-oh-oh-oh-oh by the end of the day, but it’s ok. I think 50,000 is a goodly number for a blog in its infancy, especially a willfully obscure one such as this. So, a proud moment. Let’s drink to many happy returns. Since this is a moment for celebrating, we need some very festive music. Unfortunateley, this isn’t really the place to find festive music. Therefore, we’ll go with the opposite of festive. Marianne Faithfull, our official go-to lady of gloom, with a lovely and enchanting paean to bad men, bad drugs and, um, bloodstains.